Learn About Local Search

Local search queries include not only information about "what" the site visitor is searching for, but also "where".

If you’re a business looking for customers, here’s some words of encouragement: Millions of customers are looking for you too.

Last year, over 350 billion Internet searches were made, a growing percentage of them on mobile devices. In fact, mobile devices are soon expected to overtake PCs as the primary platform for Internet-based searches. Industry estimates show that nearly half of all Internet searches made from mobile devices are local in intent.

Almost 80% of mobile local searches result in a purchase or sale.

What makes Localeze the Leader in Local Search?

Our proprietary, continuous optimization process includes rigorous data cleansing, verification, normalization, organization and synonym mapping. We bring you a single source for distributing your listing through the largest local search platform network in the industry.

Ongoing Verification

We continually verify and enhance all of our 13 million+ business listings.

Confidence Scoring

Added data intelligence and analytics score the accuracy of every listing.

Largest Distribution

We prepare all of our listing data for high-impact to optimize rank and visibility.

Business Locations

We apply rooftop geo-codes to every listing + tag lat/long point codes to each location.

Who we are

Founded in 2005, we empower businesses of all sizes to quickly and actively manage their local business listings.

Localeze is a trusted business listings identity management provider for local search. As a trusted partner, Localeze maintains direct, authorized relationships with local search platforms, national and regional brands, channel partners and local businesses - providing the tools to verify, manage and enhance the identity of their local listings online.